ET's IMDTabler - Intermodulation Distortion Table Generator

Links:  IMDTools, FreqSetGen.  Sample frequency sets:
IMD 6C: 5658 5695 5760 5800 5880 5917, ET5: 5665 5725 5820 5860 5945
ETBest6: 5645 5685 5760 5805 5905 5945, ET6minus1: 5645 5685 5760 5905 5945
ET5A: 5665 5752 5800 5866 5905, Racebnd4: 5658 5732 5843 5917
raceband: 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917, Freq in YT video: 5780 5860 5945

Enter frequencies:

(Hover the mouse cursor over table cells for information)

5645 5685 5760 5805 5905 5945
5645 5605 5530 5485 5385 5345
5685 5725 5610 5565 5465 5425
5760 5875 5835 5715 5615 5575
5805 5965 5925 5850 5705 5665
5905 6050 6005 5865
5945 6085 5985

IMD rating (100=best): 67

5875 is 30MHz away from 5905
5835 is 30MHz away from 5805
5715 is 30MHz away from 5685
5615 is 30MHz away from 5645
5965 is 20MHz away from 5945
5925 is 20MHz away from 5905
5705 is 20MHz away from 5685
5665 is 20MHz away from 5645

IMD rating: A "perfect" table will be rated at 100; lower values are worse. For each (valid) cell in the table with a frequency-difference value less than 35, a value of (35-diff)^2 is added to a ratings total (the squaring is to make low-difference values detract more from the IMD rating). The ratings total is then divided by the number of selected frequencies and again by 5, and then subtracted from 100 to get the IMD rating.

                 1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8
Band F: 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880 (IRC NexWave / Fatshark)
Band E: 5705 5685 5665 5645 5885 5905 5925 5945 (Boscam E / DJI)
Band B: 5733 5752 5771 5790 5809 5828 5847 5866 (Boscam B)
Band A: 5865 5845 5825 5805 5785 5765 5745 5725 (Boscam A / TBS / RC305)
Band R: 5658 5695 5732 5769 5806 5843 5880 5917 (Raceband)

IMDTabler Version 1.3

5.8GHz FPV "Visual" Frequency Chart

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